Running a Board Gaming Event: Setup and Teardown
The next section of my “Hamacon Analog Gaming Bible” is a setup and teardown checklist. There’s nothing revolutionary here, but it’s helpful to remember a few things that will make your life easier...
View ArticleRunning a Board Gaming Event: Game Check Out
If you’re running a free play board game library, you’ll need to have some sort of check-out system. It doesn’t have to be complicated–and it’s better if it’s not–but there’s a surprising amount of...
View ArticleRunning a Board Gaming Event: Remember Your Contacts
I updated one section of my “Hamacon Analog Gaming Bible” after every event: a list of people who had run something or otherwise provided content to the event. (This is the primary reason I’m writing...
View ArticleRunning a Board Gaming Event: Scheduled Games
One of my main goals for Hamacon analog gaming was running events. This is typical when you’re talking about CCGs (tournaments) or RPGs (one-shot adventures), but I wanted to extend this to board...
View ArticleRunning a Board Gaming Event: Running RPGs
Successfully running an RPG at a convention is an art form (one I haven’t mastered). It’s loud and everyone’s under tight time constraints. (Dire Bear Adventuring Co. did an excellent job running...
View ArticleRunning a Board Gaming Event: Intimidation Factor and Name Recognition
This is a bit of a tangent on something I touched on in the “Scheduled Games” and “RPGs” posts. Have you ever played Takenoko? It’s actually a fairly beefy game. There are three types of goal cards,...
View ArticleRunning a Board Gaming Event: Cards Against Humanity
Yes, a single game merits an entire post, because there’s a pretty good chance that this game will be your event’s problematic fave. I’ll be honest, I liked Cards Against Humanity. Liked, past tense....
View ArticleRunning a Board Gaming Event: Games You Might Not Have Tried
RPGs Golden Sky Stories: I first learned about this game via a Japanese RPGs panel at Anime Weekend Atlanta, and immediately bought a copy because I loved the concept so much. Then I gave it away,...
View ArticleLudum Dare 46: Procedurally generating potted plants in Unity
For Ludum Dare 46, I created a very simple tamagotchi game called “Potted Plant Simulator” in Unity (you can find the code here). We kicked around this idea for “Keep it Alive” at the Knox Game Design...
View ArticleRecording a panel video with free software
After MomoCon moved online, I had to record a video for my panel, The Joy of Game Development. Since this was a live coding demo, I needed to capture my screen and vocal narration. To make it feel...
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